domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012

Decklists Top8 Generación X C.U.P.

Buenas again!!!

Calentitos y recién salidos del propio torneo aquí os dejo los Decklists:

1º-->Saúl Álvarez-->Wind-Up

2xTour Guide from the Underworld
3xWind-Up Magician
3x " " " " " " Rabbit
3x " " " " " " Shark
3x " " " " " " Rat
2xMaxx "C"

1xDark Hole
3xWind-Up Factory
1xPot of Avarice
1xHeavy Storm
1xMind Control
1xMonster Reborn
1xBook of Moon
3xMystical Space Typhoon

2xCompulsory Evacuation Device
1xTorrential Tribute
2xBottomless Trap hole
2xDimensional Prison
1xSolemn Judgment
2xSolemn Warning

Extra Deck: 15

1xWind-Up Zenmaines
1x " " " " " " Carrier Zenmaity
1x " " " " " " Zenmaister
1x " " " " " " Arsenal Zenmaioh
1xNumber 20: Giga-Brilliant
1xSoul of Silvermountain
1xNumber 17: Leviathan Dragon
1xPhoton Papilloperative
1xNumber 16: Shock Master
1xNumber 39: Utopia

Side Deck: 15

1xDust Tornado
2xGemini Imps
2xMessenge rof Peace
2xEffect Veiler
2xNeedle Ceiling
2xSnowman Eater
2xDimensional Fissure
2xThunder King Rai-Oh

2º-->Alfonso González-->Wind-Up

2xTour Guide from the Underworld
3xWind-Up Magician
3x " " " " " " Rabbit
3x " " " " " " Shark
3x " " " " " " Rat
2xMaxx "C"
2xEffect Veiler
1xGorz the Emmisary of Darkness

1xDark Hole
3xWind-Up Factory
1xPot of Avarice
1xHeavy Storm
1xMonster Reborn
3xMystical Space Typhoon

2xCompulsory Evacuation Device
2xTorrential Tribute
2xBottomless Trap Hole
1xSolemn Judgment
2xSolemn Warning
2xMirror Force

Extra Deck: 15

1xWind-Up Zenmaines
1x " " " " " " Carrier Zenmaity
1x " " " " " " Zenmaister
1x " " " " " " Arsenal Zenmaioh
1xNumber 20: Giga-Brilliant
1xPhoton Papilloperative
1xNumber 16: Shock Master
1xNumber 39: Utopia
1xNumber 30: Acid Golem
1xSteelswarm Roach
1xChimeratech Fortress Dragon

Side Deck: 15

2xDust Tornado
3xGemini Imps
3xDimensional Fissure
2xCyber Dragon
2xThunder King Rai-Oh
2xDimensional Prison
1xSnowman Eater

3º-->Juan Manuel López-->Geargia

2xThunder King Rai-Oh
2xEffect Veiler
2xKarakuri Watchdog Saizan
1xKarakuri Strategist Nishipachi
1xGorz the Emmisary of Darkness
1xGenex Ally Birdman
2xGeargiano MK-II

1xDark Hole
1xPot of Avarice
1xHeavy Storm
1xMind Control
1xMonster Reborn
1xBook of Moon
1xForbidden Lance
3xMystical Space Typhoon

2xCompulsory Evacuation Device
1xTorrential Tribute
2xBottomless Trap hole
2xFiendish Chain
2xSolemn Warning
1xStarlight Road

Extra Deck: 15

1xWind-Up Zenmaines
2xGear Gigant X
1xPhoton Papilloperative
1xNumber 16: Shock Master
1xNumber 39: Utopia
1xStardust Dragon
2xShogun Karakuri Burei
1xShogun Karakuri Bureido
1xBlack Rose Dragon
1xScrap Dragon
1xSteelswarm Roach

Side Deck: 15

2xGemini Imps
2xNeedle Ceiling
2xSnowman Eater
1xSystem Down
2xTrap Stun
2xRivalry of Warlords
2xMacro Cosmos
2xFossil Dyna Pachycephalo

4º-->Eugenio Salgado-->Exodia-Strike

5xPiezas Exodia
3xSwift Scarecrow

3xUpstart Goblin
3xOne Day of Peace
2xPot of Duality

3xThreatening Roar
3xJar of Greed
3xLegacy of Yata-Garasu
3xAccumulated Fortune
3xReckless Greed
2xSkill Drain
3xHope for Escape

Extra Deck: 1

1xChimeratech Fortress Dragon

Side Deck: 15

3xJust Desserts
1xSecret Barrel
3xLava Golem
3xPoison of the Old Man
1xHeavy Storm
3xMystical Space Typhoon
1xThe Transmigration Prophecy

Top8-->Sergio Martí-->Agents

3xMystic Shine Ball
2xTour Guide from the Underworld
1xNight Assailant
2xMaxx "C"
1xGorz the Emmisary of Darkness
2xAgente Tierra
3xAgente Venus
1xAgente Júpiter
3xMaster Hyperion
2xArchlord Kristya
1xT.G. Striker
2xT.G. Warwolf
1xBLS-Envoy of the Beginning
1xEffect Veiler
1xDark Armed Dragon

2xPot of Duality
1xDark Hole
1xHeavy Storm
1xMonster Reborn
3xMystical Space Typhoon
1xAllure of Darkness

2xTorrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 15

1xNumber 20: Giga-Brilliant
1xGachi Gachi Gantetsu
1xDaigusto Phoenix
1xNumber 96: Dark Mist
1xArmory Arm
1xT.G. Wonder Magician
1xGaia Knight the Force of Earth
1xAncient Sacred Wyvern
1xScrap Dragon
2xAlly of Justice Catastor
2xBlack Rose Dragon

(El Extra Deck de arriba es el que puso en la lista, el que realmente usó fue:

1xNumber 20: Giga-Brilliant
1xGachi Gachi Gantetsu
1xDaigusto Phoenix
1xNumber 96: Dark Mist
1xArmory Arm
1xT.G. Wonder Magician
1xGaia Knight the Force of Earth
1xAncient Sacred Wyvern
1xScrap Dragon
1xAlly of Justice Catastor
1xBlack Rose Dragon
1xWind-Up Zenmaines
1xNumber 17: Leviathan Dragon)

Side Deck: 15

2xDust Tornado
2xThunder King Rai-Oh
2xMacro Cosmos
2xGozen Match
2xD.D. Warrior Lady
2xCompulsory Evacuation Device
2xCyber Dragon
1xChimeratech Fortress Dragon
1xMirror Force
***En este Side Deck hay 16 cartas, si s ele hubiera hecho Check Decklist habría acarreado penalización***

Top8-->Rubén Lima-->Wind-Up

2xTour Guide from the Underworld
3xWind-Up Magician
3x " " " " " " Rabbit
3x " " " " " " Shark
3x " " " " " " Rat
2xMaxx "C"
1xSnowman Eater

1xDark Hole
3xWind-Up Factory
1xPot of Avarice
1xHeavy Storm
1xMonster Reborn
3xMystical Space Typhoon

2xCompulsory Evacuation Device
2xTorrential Tribute
2xBottomless Trap hole
1xDimensional Prison
1xSolemn Judgment
2xSolemn Warning

Extra Deck: 15

1xWind-Up Zenmaines
1x " " " " " " Carrier Zenmaity
1x " " " " " " Arsenal Zenmaioh
1xNumber 20: Giga-Brilliant
1xSoul of Silvermountain
1xNumber 17: Leviathan Dragon
1xPhoton Papilloperative
1xNumber 16: Shock Master
1xNumber 39: Utopia
1xNumber 30:Acid Golem of Destruction

Side Deck: 15

2xDust Tornado
2xEffect Veiler
2xDimensional Fissure
1xThunder King Rai-Oh
1xDimensional Prison
2xCyber Dragon
2xShadow-Imprisoning Mirror
1xSnowman Eater
1xSoul Taker
1xChimeratech Fortress Dragon

Top8-->Federico Blengio-->Wind-Up

2xTour Guide from the Underworld
3xWind-Up Magician
3x " " " " " " Rabbit
3x " " " " " " Shark
3x " " " " " " Rat
2xMaxx "C"
1xSnowman Eater
2xThunder King Rai-Oh

1xDark Hole
3xWind-Up Factory
1xPot of Avarice
1xHeavy Storm
1xMind Control
1xMonster Reborn
3xMystical Space Typhoon

2xCompulsory Evacuation Device
2xTorrential Tribute
2xBottomless Trap hole
1xDimensional Prison
1xSolemn Judgment
2xSolemn Warning

Extra Deck: 15

1xWind-Up Zenmaines
1x " " " " " " Carrier Zenmaity
1xNumber 20: Giga-Brilliant
1xSoul of Silvermountain
1xNumber 17: Leviathan Dragon
1xPhoton Papilloperative
1xNumber 16: Shock Master
1xNumber 39: Utopia
1xNumber 30: Acid Golem of Destruction
1xChimeratech Fortress Dragon

Side Deck: 15

2xDust Tornado
2xEffect Veiler
1xSnowman Eater
2xDimensional Prison*-->Errata del jugador que quiso poner Dimensional Fissure. Se le dejó continuar en el torneo pero con 14 cartas de Side Deck (-2 Dimensional Fissure +1 Prison)
1xThunder King Rai-Oh
2xSoul Taker
2xShadow-Imprisoning Mirror
2xCyber Dragon
1xDimensional Prison

Top8-->Rodrigo Togores-->Wind-Up

2xTour Guide from the Underworld
3xWind-Up Magician
3x " " " " " " Rabbit
3x " " " " " " Shark
3x " " " " " " Rat
2xEffect Veiler
1xGorz the Emmisary of Darkness
2xThunder King Rai-Oh

1xDark Hole
3xWind-Up Factory
1xPot of Avarice
1xHeavy Storm
1xMonster Reborn
3xMystical Space Typhoon

2xCompulsory Evacuation Device
2xTorrential Tribute
2xBottomless Trap Hole
1xSolemn Judgment
2xSolemn Warning
2xMirror Force
1xTrap Stun

Extra Deck: 15

2xWind-Up Zenmaines
1x " " " " " " Carrier Zenmaity
1x " " " " " " Zenmaister
1x " " " " " " Arsenal Zenmaioh
"1"xTemtempo-->Se sobreentendió que era un 1 aunque el símbolo se parecía más a un 4 (y hasta a un 9). No s ele dio mayor importancia.
1xNumber 20: Giga-Brilliant
1xNumber 17: Leviathan Dragon
1xPhoton Papilloperative
1xNumber 16: Shock Master
1xNumber 30: Acid Golem of Destruction

Side Deck: 15

2xMaxx "C"
2xNeedle Ceiling
2xSnowman Eater
"2"xDimensional Fissure-->Realmente la cifra que puso en el papel era un símbolo indescifrable, ya que diversas personas creyeron que sería un 1, un 2 o un 4 (o incluso otras opciones). Se interpretó como un 2 dado que la mayoría de personas lo opinaron, de modo que continuó jugando el torneo con 14 cartas de Side Deck y la rabieta pertinente.
1xSoul Taker
1xNobleman of Crossout
2xLevel Limit Area - B
1xTrap Stun
1xCompulsory Evacuation Device

Enjoy, netdeckers ;-)

P.D.: Quien desee ver la imagen de la decklist de Togores que me lo pida por alguna vía de comunicación privada (ya no solo por ver cómo eran los símbolos indescifrables, sino para ver si es capaz de leer el nombre de todas las cartas que escribió en la lista).

lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012

Generación X C.U.P. (Con Un Par... de Secrets)

Buenas again!!! Escribo este artículo quick-play para que este blog sea una vía más de propagación del anuncio del torneo mencionado en el título. Os dejo un link al foro de Padis, donde viene información más detallada acerca del mismo:

Si queréis preinscribiros podéis hacerlo a través del foro, llamando a la tienda (el número de teléfono aparece en el link), diciéndomelo en persona o dejando un comentario en este artículo, aunque os recomiendo las formas primera y tercera ya que son las más rápidas (así lo sabré antes).

Poco más que decir, si tenéis alguna duda o lo que sea, comentario al canto.

Hasta el próximo artículo ;-)